Proclaiming God's Word

by focusing on the following 3 areas, we fulfill our mission of activating purpose and maximizing potential in lives across the world.

1. Engaging in Prayer - Praying without ceasing is all about developing a lifestyle of prayer so that you don't just get up in the morning and have a stated time of 10 to 20 minutes of prayer and then you don't pray again until the evening. But it's your way through the day as you move along in the day.


2. Healing the Soul - (Nourish the soul. Replenish the mind. Refresh the spirit)


3. Unlocking the message of the Kingdom - (The Gospel of the Kingdom is the message that Jesus came to make known. It’s a message of empowerment that awakens us to the reason why we were created.)


P.O. Box 3514 Pineville, La. 71361
